RMAF 2008 - Your impressions,...

I know there's still few hours to go but I was wondering what my fellow Audiogoners think of RMAF 2008. What equipment left great impression, even what was a bit of a let down...As for me, it was my first year and my time was very limited, but I have to point out Emerald Physics for their CS1 and CS2, which are great speakers, selling for much less (esp. CS2) than you would think. They sound a bit different than what most of us are used to due to their unique design. Unfortunately their need for two amps make it little difficult to integrate them in my system, otherwise they'd be on top of my list. I also have to mention AV123 and GR-Research whose X-static speakers must be one of the best bargains on the market (I know, we all have heard it before...), anybody looking for a $1000 dollar speakers (and even much more) need to give these a listen.
I have heard one of the UK's most respected hi-fi reviewers personal system on more than one occasion and I must say it brought tears to a glass eye.


Out of curiosity - What were the components in this system?
Shadorne; I have mentioned this before in other posts, the speakers since 1989 have been Impulse H1's made by the Same chap that makes the Aspara Acoustic speakers, the H1's have been (I believe) been modified a number of times over the years, but remain constant with the addition recently of the Townsend Ribbon tweeter, and two small Rel Q subs, all the other ancillaries I have no clue as to what was plugged it was like a treasure trove of exotica, and down to earth stuff also. I can only attest to quality of sound I was hearing whether it be any cd played or vinyl, simply music. In my old system I used to blame the cd's for sounding terrible, then as I said I heard this system and what it could do with cd's, I changed my point of view that if a cd sounds bad then its the speakers or other items in the chain. Only my view, but I have heard with my own ears.
I would wager (If I were a gambling man) that his systm with a middle of the road cd player like the Arcam 192T versus
say the VA Mahlers with a 10,000+ player this would be no contest, I have heard the Mahlers and they for instance are not in the same league H1's, to my ageing ears, all IMHO, naturally.
Interestingly Shardorne your Speakers cost $14,500 and your cd player cost $480, whereas Dcstep's Speakers cost $3,500 and his cd player cost $15,000. Two diverse schools of thought there in heading for hi-fi nirvana.

For the record, my CD/SACD player costs $10,000. You've got the speakers' cost about right.

Dave sir, all the figures should be correct as I copied them from your 'system' as listed. 10k or 15k are still incredible amounts of wedge to pay for a cd player. Well out of my league by a huge stretch.
Anyone manufacturer should be able to make a cd player for $10,000 sound good, the art and skill is to do it for say a $1000.
Gawdbless, are you arguing with me about what I paid for my Playback Designs MPS-5??? I paid $10,000 and it's still available for that price.

No one's made a great sounding CDP for #1,000 that I've heard.
