best loudspeakers for full Gryphon system

I'm a new forumer: wander, from Italy (sorry in advance for my poor english...) . I'm going to buy new loudspeakers to be matched with a full Gryphon chain: Mikado CD player, Sonata Allegro preamplifier, Antileon Signature Stereo power amplifier.
Which loudspeakers do you think would be a good match? I listen to rock and classical music, the listening room is not too big: roughly
15 x 15 x 9 ft.
I'm looking at ProAc D80, Tannoy yorkminster, B&W 800D, Wilson Audio Sophia II... other suggestions?

many thanks!!

Thats a perfect size room for the Merlin Bobby,he has good idea's,good luck,Bob
I've used Dynaudio C4 and JM Lab Nova Utopia BE with Gryphon Antileon (non signature). The Nova's sound amazing with the Gryphon, definately worth trying.... Good luck
The Gryphon Cantata will complete your setup like no other, as it is Rasmussen's personal speaker too.
i suggest that Gryphon would be great match with;

Sonus Faber.

i'm not so impressed with Gryphon CD and preamps. i would not want a full Gryphon gear myself, but the classA poweramps are special if partnered rightly.