Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?

Hi, I am researching on these speakers, which are self-powered below 250hz. Can't seem to find a review.
Would appreciate feedbacks from folks who have heard or owned them.
Well for one thing it has an enormous dynamic capability. It has a very controlled and focused soundtage that is very large, coupled with precise imaging. The tone is as good as what a state of the art dynamic loudspeaker can do. It is very neutral is an all Gryphon rack. It is not sweet nor is it harsh, just a very insightful sound into a performance. That is as good as I can describe it. I would buy it if I owned a Gryphon rack.
Thanks Sphere. I will audition it with a SET amp.
Hi Argyro, the Trident if I am not wrong is more expensive than the Lohengrin...US$100k vs US$70k.
In price comparisons keep in mind that Trident has a 1000 watts poweramplifier build in, thus requiring only low power amplification for mid and tweeter drivers.