Dynaudio Confidence 5 or Confidence 1 for this room????

Good Morning All,

Just chasing your thoughts on what speaker would be suited to a room that measures 13.43 ft width / 13.41 ft long. Volume 17.62 square metres.

I already own the C5 and was thinking of down sizing to the smaller C1. Speakers being driven by Atma-Sphere MA-2 mono blocks (220w per channel).

Many thanks for your help.

I own C4's in a room measuring 21 ft long x 15 ft wide with 7 ft ceilings and partially open at one end. I almost gave up on my C4's until I added room treatments in the form of 8 acoustical panels from GIK Acoustics, to tame the reflections and damp the sound a bit. Since your room is considerably smaller than mine, I would think you'd have better results with the C1's, plus they are significantly more efficient than the C5's. Don't get me wrong, I've heard tremendous things about C5's... I just don't think the size of your room is ideal for them.
I also have the C4s in about the same size room as Pdreher(20-17 with 9 ' ceilings) and found room treatments a must..I would agree with the above comments and suggest the C1s as well.I havent heard the C5s for some time but wasnt that impressed with them,plus the fact your power choices are very limited..I would love to hear those amps driving the C1s.
If i was you,i would treat the room and keep the C5s.
I've just got a pair from few days,and they play in a room slightly bigger than yours driven by a Gryphon DM100,with no problem at all.
Dont sell them,you will regret.
As a Dynaudio dealer and owner of the C1's myself, I feel they are more than capable of filling that room. My room is 14'x20'x11'.

I have no real-world experience with your amplifiers, but I highly recommend that you give consideration to giving the C1's a fair amount of power. I'm using the Halo JC1's.