Need to replace my Totem Acoustic Arros

Hey guys,

I’m on the market for a new pair of floorstanders. My Totem Arros are great but I am looking for something more. My criteria is as follows:

Will be in a small-medium size room(s)
Must be floorstanding
Must be efficient enough to be driven with 20-30+ watts (possibly tubes)
Must obviously best the Arro in most regards
Looking for something that is refined and organic sounding

I am starting to listen to music with more scale and want something that can keep up with the dynamic swings of classical music. Yet, I listen to a lot of chamber and folk music along with a decent amount of jazz.

Budget is $3,000 new or used.

Speakers cannot be Totems. I've owned just about every Totem on the block and I am looking for something different.
"Must be efficient enough to be driven with 20-30+ watts (possibly tubes)"

When you say "possibly tubes", does that mean that you haven't yet acquired the amp that you're intending to use with the new speakers? If that's the case, why lock yourself into 20-30 watts(and what does the "+" mean in "30+"). That could severely limits your speaker choices and IMO, knowing whether we're talking tube or SS makes a difference.
Perhaps the Focal Chorus 714v/716v or 816v floorstanders. 8 ohm/91+ db efficient but would still need to be paired carefully w/ your amplifier because they do dip down near 4 ohms. Definitely worth a listen!
Coincident Super Eclipse III, or a similar Coincident speaker. I can't think of
many other dynamic speakers that will work with a 20-30 watt tube amp.

The aforementioned Zu Audio Druids will work as well.
Vandy's are power hungry.
I'd second Coincidents. 7 watts is plenty with them, very detialed, accurate, fast and beautiful.