Edge NL12.1: what smallish floorstanders/monitors?

Room is 13x20 with speakers on LONG wall, so speakers
2-3 feet from wall, chair 7-8 feet away from speaker.

Most important: good, smooth vocals and ability to deal
reasonably well with older modest-quality CDs without scraping the paint off the walls.

Hate: etch/buzziness (especially on voices), searing highs, boomy/uncontrolled bass, or pushy/forward mids and fatigue of any kind.
Don't want to bi-wire.

Only source: EMM SE digital. I really don't want to change the rest of my equipment (my trusty, quiet, cool, Edge NL12.1).

Want a do-no-harm speaker. Thank you.
Rgs92, take a look at S&P Tech's Mini two way speaker. Bob Smith's smallest speaker is a sonic gem, looks beautiful with it's matching stands and competes with speaker way above its price range.