Anyone hear BPT Cirrus at RMAF 2008?

I checked these out on Audiogon and the BPT site. They certainly LOOK fascinating, with top notch drivers and construction. Did anyone have the opportunity to give them a listen? Your impressions?
i had the chance to listen to them extensively at this year's rmaf. the big thing i noticed was the way the outperformend their size. like most monitors, they did a great job of conveying the scale of the recording space. also, they did not shy away from my bass tracks they had their limits but i really enjoyed the fact that they could go low enough to smooth out the blend with the subs. the other part i loved was the raal tweeter. i can't say enough good things about the realism of the raal tweeter. the tonality of a cymbal was a bit startling because i felt like i was watching someone play cymbals not just listening to a cd. on day 2 things went up another level. the midrange was wonderful because it blended with the raal and had a lifelike quality that i truly enjoyed. tonally it was a more complete presentation.this , combined with the other feature allowed the cirrus to become a more complete speaker to my ear's . i enjoyed thenm very much. i'm looking forward to what next year's rmaf will bring from chris and ryan.
Hey guys, I'm the builder of BPT's loudspeakers. I'll save my opinions of them :) But if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them.

Cheers, Ryan
I would like to know how the various options affect the speakers sound. Thanks!
Use of the amorphous core in the RAAL tweeter takes micro-dynamics up a notch. It's akin to lowering the noise floor, you'll get a bit better center image focus and better definition of tiny detail. Even with the standard core the RAAL might have more micro-dynamics than any tweeter I've ever heard, with the amorphous core it's just spooky how delicate and detailed it can sound.

The crossover options offered are Teflon V-Caps as bypass, Clarity Cap MR throughout the crossover, and Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil. The standard crossover caps are good, that's what we showed at RMAF with V-Caps on the tweeter circuit only. Both the Clarity Cap and Mundorf options are if you want the best, and while the improvement is small, it is there. The Clarity Cap is if you want completely uncolored and neutral, the Mundorf gives a bit more of a lush sound with some warmth and musicality.

The primary characteristics I'd say of the Cirrus are absolute see-through transparency, and a fast - detailed - uncolored sound.
Thanks Turbo!
There's been some discussion on Audiogon about break-in times, especially the Mundorfs. Can you give break-in guidelines on these cap options as relates to the Cirrus?

Also, what are the optimal placement parameters for these? Stand height, back wall, side wall, toe-in etc. I know these parameters are dependent to some extent on the room but perhaps more general than specific suggestions would be helpful.

Is there a room size that would work best as I know some rooms are too small or too large for certain speakers?