Rives Audio Consulting - Advice?

I am currently trying to take my system to the next level. Before I purchase any system upgrades I want to focus on room optimization. I am considering hiring Rives Audio for either the "Entry" or "Custom" package. Please advise for either. My room is about 16 x 13ft with speakers on the long wall but the backside of the room is completely open into the kitchen and then to the rest of the house where the ceiling rises. Cosmetically, I do not want too much crazy looking stuff. Please advise if this will be worth my while. BTW, I have Revel F52s with all Ayre gear (C-7xe, K-5xe, V-5xe). Should this be my next step?
To give a bit of an update... When I posted above, I was still in the middle of the project and was just excited about addressing my new room's acoustics...

When I finished putting the pieces together on my Rives level 1 design, I was left with a 20db peak at 35hz, and a big suckout in between 50-80hz. I sent photos, and RTA plots to Rives audio, and expected some help to address the problems.

Instead of helping me fix the problem, they said either I can pay them more money for a Level 2, or I am on my own.

I thought the whole idea was that their software identifies the room's acoustic problems, and their designs are supposed to fix them... it seems at leas for me this is not the case, and now, I have to agree with Mes. They (he) didn't even attempt to help me figure out how to solve the problem.

And oh, by the way. Rives, you may have wanted to mention that the way that I can get even a somewhat flat (+/- 6db) bass response is to use a pair of monitors crossed over around 80hz, and to place a sub behind the listening chair. It took a bit of time and work to figure that one out.

I've since had my local dealer come in, and we moved/added some treatments, and improved things quite a bit.
I'm glad I saw this thread. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out solutions to my room and was thinking about using Rives but hesitated when I saw the length of the questionnaire.

I've never heard of HRS systems, but I'll check them out (thanks, John).
Took Rives Level 1 ( only available consultation for Malaysia). Great communication.Easy to deal with. Just be accurate in your descriptions and tell richard whether you prefer diy or ready made room treatment. Its a no brainer instead of constantly upgrading when room is such an important component.