Verity Parsifal or Magico V3 or Wilson Benesch ACT

I owned a pair of the original Verity Audio Parsifals and they were fantastic in my room (19'x15'x8' - speakers on the long wall). I went high efficiency route for a while (Avantgarde Uno's then Duo's) but am looking for a dynamic speaker again.

These three are on my list, but I would consider others as well. I have not heard any of these, and nobody around has the WB Act.

I would prefer something that I could drive with around 50-100w of tube power.

Would appreciate any comments on these.
..from carbon fiber so there is no cabinet design that is more technologically advanced...

What a silly thing to say. Where do you get such nonsense from? Just because the word Carbon is in the sentence, it does not make it automatically ” technologically advanced”. In your ACT case, it is actually a cheaper way to make a curved box. And actually, not a very good one.

I didn't get to hear them at the RMAF. Kind of busy in our room. You can see our room on our website.

Just as a side note. Carbon fiber is used to build the Stealth bomber. When the radar waves hit the carbon fiber they are almost instantly absorbed and dispersed and turned into heat. That is a near perfect solution for speakers where you want to get rid of the back waves off the drivers as quickly as possible so as not to smear the sound. The speed of sound through wood is 3300 meters per second. The speed of sound through Carbon Fiber is 18,350 meters per second.
Oh, dear… So according to your theory, a thin steel sheet metal box will be a better loudspeaker enclosure then say a 2” MDF one since the speed of sound through steel is faster than MDF? Pleeease do not answer that...
I do agree with you that carbon fiber is widely used in product design as a marketing tool. However in the case of speaker design, Wilson Benesch has demonstrated that it is not neccesary to form a "Univerity of Sound" :), but have a couple of engineers not afraid to wisely experiment with different materials and re-thinking speaker design development.
The WB's ACTs cabinet secret is, in my opinion, not the use of layers of carbon fiber, but the use of a cabinet made of a sandwich of composite materials with a core of high density foam. This ultra-light external structure instantly absorbs the energy generated from the drivers.
The combination of a very light external enclosure and a heavy metal internal matrix structure is a great approach to speaker cabinet design. The overall sound is superb.


Have had WB ACT in it's latest incarnation for quite some time.
partnered it with some fine amplifiers, but i experienced it as a somewhat technically sounding speakers.
they need a very dominant amp for sure, and come to life with Naim very well.
they sound seamless, indeed have no midbass hump and sound mature as a whole.
but they did not touch ANY emotion with me.

it is fairly silly to argue and 'get right' over the carbon versus MDF.
there are many ways to Rome my friends...

If you want to be touched moved and inspired by music: Verity.
no need to explain, no need to extalt over technical things. let the factory sort it out, time is short, enjoy music!
i put it this way:

Most speakers have many promises.

Many bring you impressive sounds.

Some sound superb in every technical way.

Others give you a feel good Starbucks experience.

Or bring you ‘something’ anyway.

Few speakers keep your attention.

Only a hand full speakers give you peace of mind in the long run.

Verity Audio invites you to listen to music.

one totally happy Verity owner.