Forward sounding speakers that Rock

I sold my Revel Salons1 recently due to space issues after a house move. I really liked the speakers a lot and was sad to sell them. I had them for 5 years in a perfectly proportioned room. I t has been 1 year now since I moved and I have changed from the Salons (170 lbs) to the Audioengine2 (5 lbs). Such is life :).

I listen to lots of genres of music but Rock is my mainstay. I use Rush's Moving Pictures CD as my reference to see if a speaker can get to me emotionally. One deficiency with the Salons, for me, was the feeling that it was a little laid back for Rock music, but it was over the top brilliant for others (Reggae, Folk, Jazz). At that time I was willing to live with it.

I am also extremely happy with the audio gear that I have. My goal was to create a clean clear neutral chain of audio gear. I think I have accomplished this to my satisfaction and I will not pull any hair over any minor deficiencies. My audio chain is as follows:

Bryston 7B-SST monoblock amps (with filter choke upgrade) | BAT VK-42SE Solid State Pre-amp | Sony SCD-1 SACD player with VSEI Level 5+ mod |Au24 balanced interconnects from pre to amps | AudioQuest Volcano speaker wire| Virtual Dynamics power chords and interconnect from SACD to pre

It looks like there could be a return to audio bliss again in 12-18 month timeframe (move to a house) so I started investigating some new speakers. First I went and heard the Usher Tiny Dancer and was sold on its sound from such a small package. It was also laid back and may not be the best Rock speakers but I felt it was a very high quality speaker. I may buy these to tie me over until move into a house with more space.

Next stop was a store in Santa Barbara, CA that only carried B&W gear (I was initially disappointed at that prospect). I went through the lineup and stopped at the 802D floor standing. I cued by my standard CD and was really emotionally moved by the sounds. It was forward, clean and got my energy levels pumped up. This was the way I want to listen to Rock. The speaker was smaller than the Salon1 and it likely won’t have the same level of bass, but the forward presentation was really very attractive to me. It was also in a smaller package so that was a huge benefit. The gear used was all Classe and we used an integrated Amp that was underpowered to really bring out all the best qualities of those speakers.

After I left I walked across the street and went to a Revel shop. I wanted to hear the Sudio2. It was setup with all Mark Levinson gear with enough power. I cued up the same music (3 CD’s) and I heard the same sound I had at my old house. It had a little more detail but the presentation was laid back. I was surprised how much more I liked the B&W over the Revels for Rock. So I decided no more Revels in my future. The B&W 802D is the current top contender for my dream house.

So I wanted to ask fellow A’Gon members their opinions on what they would consider a competitor to the B&W 802D. I would be willing to have a bit of top end coloration since I think I have a clean audio chain. I want that forward (non-laid back) sound that I now think works best for Rock. My price range is 12-14K for new speakers. I would also like to keep the height less than 4 feet due to potential WAF.

Thanks for reading this long post.
In the years I have read this forum (on and off) I have came across many of Audiokinesis posts. I did not dig too deep into his background but I do remember that I paid attention to his comments and suggestions. They seemed well thought out.

I spent the last few hours at work researching Duke's speaker line and I came to the conclusion that he has a lot of online and print fans. I occasionally read a Bryston online "circle" and the Audiokinesis "circle" was on the same web page. I never looked into it before. I will check out his speakers this year.

I am going to listen to the Thiel 3.7 and MSC1 when I move back to the Bay Area in March. There is a shop in Palo Alto that carries both models. It is funny that I had a review of the Thiel 3.7 in the recent issue of Stereophile at home and I never read it until last night due to the suggestion in this thread. I am not sure if it will work with my electronics but I will listen to it.

The ATC speaker is not an option for me at this time. It is too expensive and a little ugly. If I had my own "man cave" in a basement I could get by the ugly factor but in California there not too many basements. I used to think that the Revel Salons1 were ugly too. I wish I had heard about these speakers 5 years ago when I could put anything in my living room. That is not in the cards for the future.

I had seen the Eggleston Savoy's in the For Sale section but they are too big and my timeframe to purchase is 12-18 months.

There is some tremendous information in this thread. It sure has raised my awareness. I do not think I would have understood these comments 5 years ago but after living with a pretty good system I have a better frame of reference to see how these comments line up.

BTW - I have a family member in Canada who is next door neighbours to a recording studio where Rush made one of their 90's albums. I think it was Presto. Next time I am in Canada I will see if I could go and check it out. I am also not a Rush fanatic but I grew up with their music in Toronto and after seeing them live for the last 30 years I just know how they sound.
Of course you are not a Rush fanatic. Neither am I. I don't have a long haired wig and large glasses in my closet. I don't even know their secret handshake - . - - - . - - - - . .
Try the small Avantgarde Solos.

They have plenty of WAF, even for horns. They certainly rock and you could even sell your Brystons as well as they're active. I bought some second hand Solos for my Brother and they're a great speaker. Not quite as good as my Avantgarde Duos, but my sister-in law is very happy. She even approved them before the purchase.

"I don't have a long haired wig and large glasses in my closet"

Well I do have those but that is another story.
I am not sure if this link is allowed on A'Gon but it is a great review of the Thiel 3.7 and Bryston 28B-SST amps. A sweeter version of my amps (7B-SST).

Now I really want to hear the Bryston/Thiel combo. The reviewer is a VP at Bryston.