Brass screw tweak, seen in Virtual Dynamics video.

I am curious if anyone has seen and tried the brass screw tweak as seen in the Virtual Dynamics "Oddiophile" videos?
In particular, I am interested in the brass metric machine screw with the insert. Sounds rather interesting. Could anyone offer any insight or relay experience? Are any manufacturers using this tweak?
The address is below. Episode one is the first tweak, episode number six is the advanced version, the one I am most interested in.
I tried to watch the episode on electromagneteic interference, and was so disgusted with the "science" presented that I simply couldn't stomach it . . . the person in the video demonstrated a complete ignorance of some of the basic physics of electromagnetism, including:

- not understanding the difference between actually shielding a magnetic field, and simply shorting out the eddy current it creates

- trying to discuss the electromagnetic field created by (current flowing in) a single conductor (i.e., no return path). What next, the sound of one hand clapping?

- not understanding the effect of the twisted-pair geometry on his sacrificial ("other brands") cables, and the effect this will have on radiation of (and suceptibility to) electromagnetic fields

- (and my favorite) - implying that the aluminimum (!) foil wrap in his cables is an effective shield against a magnetic field (magnetic shields cannot be non-ferrous!)

After his introduction, I was honestly expecting for him to show us a cable ensconsed in some sort of flexible high-permability metal conduit . . . that is, actual magnetic shielding! But instead, I got a "science lesson" that makes an episode of Mythbusters look like Newton's Principia.
Swapping brass for steel especially around tweeter domes and the mounting frames is very obvious. Same can be said for mounting hardware around the crossover and circuit boards. Tom
I wonder how fantastic your system has to be for you to notice the difference using this tweak.

I would love to see the previous points raised debated.
Kirkus I got the same from the video only reason I tried was customers keep asking about it. Like I said I could not hear or measure any difference.
I wonder how fantastic your system has to be for you to notice the difference using this tweak.

Definitely important on mounting air core inductors where screws are close to the coil.

I have my doubts whether a tweeter would be affected audibly from the screws on the front mounting plate. I guess you never know.