i have a mcintosh mc275 what speakers to choose?

I recently purchased a MC275, and I am currently using a Silverline Sonata MKI, I kind of want to upgrade, I am currently looking at a Von S. VR4-JR. I like vocal,jazz, piano, some classical... Some r and b. Which speaker to I choose?
what does your dealer recommend? I like Vons and run tubes myself but hard to recommend a speaker since the choice is so individual as to taste....that amp should easily run any speaker that has a stable impedance and is 90db or better efficient. If you just got the amp I'd wait to get new speakers until you are very familiar with the amps sonic attributes.
I'm running VR4JRs with my MC275 and the sound is sweet, articualte, dynamic. But be sure to biwire them to get them most of their capability.
one of the best all purpose amps ever made. pretty much 'any' moderately efficent quality speaker you can think of.