AAD 7001 vs Magico Mini MK II

Hi. Currently rebuilding my complete set-up. My Indras will have to go as my listening room moves to a smaller space now (4x5,5 meters).
I´ve heard great things about AAD 7001´s and Magico Mini´s - both beeing said to build the finst monitors available.
Any experiences with these two brands ?
rgds., Frank

I use Boulder 1021 + 1060 electronics.
You may want to check out Focal's new Diablo Utopia from the new Utopia III line. The new generation beryllium tweeter is remarkable. This product should be a contender for the best stand mounted 2-way.
As someone who just bought Micro Utopias, I would be interested to know what the differences are between the Micros and the Diablos (which replaced the Micros).

Are the Diablos really in the same league as Magicos? The Micros aren't. What is the list price of the Diablos?
The Diablo Utopia has a new generation of drivers specifically engineered for the Utopia III, a new crossover, a different enclosure and stands. In fact, the only thing that that the Diablo and Micro Be's have in common is that they are both 2-ways. I have heard both and it is night and day difference. Rest assured however, that the Micro's offer a tremendous value compared to the Magico's. The Magico Mini II and Diablo would be an interesting comparison. I can say confidently that the upper octave response from the new beryllium driver can't be touched by the Scanspeak revelator of the Mini. That being said, I have very high regard for the Mini. I think that it is responsible for what seems a plethora of new 2-way cutting edge designs above $10K retail.
I had the AAD 7001s for a while as a dealer. They were the best monitor I ever heard, real bass to below 30hz and an incredible open top end. I never heard the magicos, but I cannot imagine them being much better.
During last 10yrs, my speakers evolved from Pro-ac Response 4 to ML Prodigy to MG20.1, then two years ago the SF Stradivari. Earlier this year, after having audition a number of some highly touted contenders within my allocated upgrade budget of 40-60k, I ended up with the MiniII.

Although price wise this may seem a downgrade, but sound wise (in my set-up) there's simply no contest. IMO the MiniII is much more accurate, neutral, fast, transparent, coherent and just as equally musical compared to the more costly Strads.

I also think they are almost a perfect fit for your room (1-2m longer would be more ideal), and given enough quality wattages from the Boulder, they should synergize pretty well. What's 1060's ratings to 8-4ohm btw.? Do home audition one, I have a hunch that you will most likely keep them.