Vandersteen 2Ce Sig 2's with Alpha Core AG-1 wire

Any Vandersteen owners using Alpha Core AG-1 bi-wire speaker cables with 2Ce Sig 2's? I read the Art Dudley review Stereophile January 2007 on this combo. Dudley thought this cable is a great match. Also considering Audioquest speaker cable(bi-wire)"Gibraltar". I'm running with Quicksilver amps. Any thoughts on what would mate best?

Why would you bother with anything else when Anti-Cables is so neutral, transparent, and inexpensive. I'm using it for all my cables after extensive listening tests with as many top shelf cables I could borrow. Only Audioquest Silver (Sky/Everest) are in the same league, but very much more expensive. That is my take on my system. You should audition for your own satisfaction.
When I got my Sig IIs, I had a single run of Cardas Neutral Reference with a jumper made of POS 12-gauge wire. Although I mostly enjoyed the sound, I was bothered by a veiled quality of voices and acoustic instruments. After a failed Ebay attempt to get a second run of Cardas, I lucked into a good deal on two used pairs of Ayre cables. Made a tremedous improvement on the midrange and I've been very happy with my system ever since. Stringreen, I considered the Anti-cables, but the user reviews are mixed so I decided to go with, for me, a known quantity.
Exocet954 &
The Alpha-Core MI copper series is a lot less expensive than the Alpha-Core silver AG series, and all in all a better comparison to the Anti-Cables in materials and price. In as much as these brands differ, they have much in common.
I suspect that with most amplifiers used with Vandersteens the MI 2 and AG 2 would probably be the best match. I would recommend two seperate identical runs terminated with Alpha-Core's silver spades when possible and absolutely recommend the use of Alpha-Core's RC networks. The Alpha-Core web site offers a guide based on amplifier power and length of runs. They also offer a generous free trial period.