Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES

The Vandy 7s were introduced at CES and seemed to have created quite a stir.

Vandersteen 7

Any of you hear these speakers and care to report? How do they sound compared to the 5As?
I agree that the 7 sounded fab at the show. As to bemoaning the cost, Richard Vandersteen prices everything based upon the cost of constructing, and his multiplier is below the industry standard (consistent with the brand's value-oriented reputation). Accordingly, the cost of building the 7 is, quite simply, almost 3x the cost of producing the 5A. The cones themselves (before voice coils and the accompanying Scan Speak motors) cost enough to represent about $10K at retail. Based upon my discussion with Richard, any upgrade of the new drivers/crossover to the 5/5A will only be offered (when, I don't know) to original owners, and won't be cheap given the cost of the components to be upgraded. - Pete -
Zargon, I am sure there is more than my very simplistic synopsis view point of the 7 speaker.
Just another speaker to add to the 'got to listen to' list.
Will owners of the 5 go for the upgrade?
Would I go for the upgrade? Good question. It depends a lot on the price and what others say about the sound of the upgrade as I'm unlikely to hear these myself without owning them. I dread the idea of packing up my 5As and shipping them to California but I know it's been done by plenty for the 5 to 5A upgrade. Also, if the upgrade costs $15,000 or more and I could sell my 5As for $10,000-$12,000 it's getting close to the point where maybe spending the extra on the 7s is worth it for the carbon fiber cabinets and resale potential. For now, I'm just trying to remember that the 5A is still an awfully good speaker.
"Trying to remember?" Come on they ARE a great speaker that only Alzheimers could erase a memory of.....make no mistake you are a lucky man Sonofjim!
Richard has and always will be one of the most stand up guys in the business, armchair quaterbacking is great for someone who needs self vindication but to question his prices is a bit out of line. Talking to him makes it clear these cost alot to make, also how many months, years and man hours went into the research developement phase and how many units are in reality going to sell to make it worth the trouble with all that goes into tooling and creating a new statement product?
I just really think in this case its wrong to hear some's back handed remarks from this and other threads and forums. His history, track record and reputation is something only few others in this industry could aspire to even equal let alone surpass. Its very expensive but if anyone is going to try to price something as honest and realisitic as possible I am fully comfortable in saying that man is Richard Vandersteen.
Of course the 5a is a great speaker. I think I'm just trying to talk myself out of(or into?) going out and spending big bucks on the 7s. They are one of the more exciting products to come along in a while in my opinion. Sometimes this makes us forget to be thankful for what we already have. I agree with you, if any speaker would be worth that kind of money to me it would have to be one designed by Richard Vandersteen. He'd be one of the last guys to price a product unecessarily high.