Preamp, Sub, and Magnepan connect

I have a pair of Magnepan speakers and I'am considering connecting a JL audio sub with it's own power supply. What is the best way to make the connect if my tube peamp that only has 2 channel output? Do I modify the output from Preamp?
buy a Rel sub it will take both the speaker level input and the LFE from a processor/reciever so you can run both systems.

You can split the output from your preamp, I did that with some DH Labs splitters that I got from Upscale Audio and I never noticed any loss in quality.

good luck
thank you for your immediate response, This chat forum is great. One followup queston to Macdadtexas, Are you suggesting REL instead of JL audio?
I think you will find the Rel subs to be faster and a better match for your Maggies. JL's are pretty fast and hit hard but Rel is known to be a good match for Magnepan speakers.
I don't own a Rel, but I think they are the best all around match with Maggies that I have heard. That is not a knock to the excellent JL Audio subs, which I have had in my system, I just think for what you are looking at doing the Rel is a better match.