Gallo 3.1 vs. B&W 804 vs. faber grand piano

I am looking to stay under $3,000 used. The only one I have heard is the sonus, faber. I liked it. I also have had jm labs in the past, so they are not out of the question either, I like there sound siquature.

The speakers will be used for Home theater use also. I mainly listen to rock music.

What I want is a speaker that is very fast, tight bass, with great imaging. Also I kind of like a speaker to be a little on the bright side, but not fatiguing.

Oh and the amps will be a theta Dreadnaught or Bell Canto ref II's.

Thanks for the help in advance!
Well I think that depends on how bad your audiophilia nervousa is. If I hadn't just bought my used 3.1s for $2K, I'd probably jump all over those 3.0s for $1250. YMMV
If you can believe reviews, there's a comparison between 3.0 and 3.1 on
What will match good with the 3.1s like center and surrounds? Or do I have to stick with the gallo line?
Back to the original questions.

SF - colored, and too warm sounding. It's cool if you like SF (no flames plz), but if you are looking for fast, accurate sound, this is not where it's at

B&W - I agree with most above posters. I have heard great sound out of 802N and larger B&Ws, but only with huge krell amps in front. The smaller ones have also sounded thing, bright, fatiguing, and boring to me

Gallo - These have piqued my interest personally. They are fast, detailed, and image and soundstage great. They have a unique percussive effect to the highs which I like. I'm strongly considering purchasing a new pair from a local dealer after auditioning them in home