How to divide a budget between components

Hello All,

I recently read through an interesting thread on AG in the speaker section on the best way to allocate one's budget for a system (the consensus was to put about half towards the speakers and the remainder towards everything else).

So on that note, what is the best way to allocate one's non-speaker budget? There seems to be a growing number of improved components to buy that are supposed to make a big difference. Where would a person's money be best spent? Below are some items to possibly consider for a components budget. For this example, the components budget would be $10K (keeps the math easy) and the speakers would be worth around $15k. I know the allocation would vary on more factors (such as music preference, digital vs analogue focus, etc) but I'm wondering as a general overall rule what has worked best?

Turn table
Turn table cartridge
CD player
Surge protection
Speaker cables
Power cables
Equipment racks/tables
Room treatments
(Are there any I missed?)
Actually, the old audiophile joke is:
If you ask 10 different audiophiles a question, you will get 11 different answers. ;^)
On a serious note...I'm a speakers first guy...then upgrade electronics at your leisure... smallest expenditure is cables, accessories...just my .02
I agree that opinions on this will vary widely, but what the heck, I might as well offer another.

I believe it depends on budget. For example at budget under 10K I think a balanced approach of ~25% for speakers, amplification, single source, cables/tweeks makes sense. However, if one had 100K then one might consider a greater % toward the speakers. Must admit to having no experience at the latter budget catagory.
My two most expensive components were sources.
TT then CD player in that order.