go where after vandersteen 2ce

i bout a pr of technics sb-cr77 3 way at a yard sale. just out of curiosity i hooked them up vs my 2ce's, and in many ways they sounded better. they were louder, the hghs were clearer, the base was deeper in most music. i couldnt believe my ears. my wife listened and she said it sounded like the vandy's were on mute or diff volume or something was covering them. i do have sound comming out of the tweeter- so the speaker seems to be working fine I've never had a prob with them. cj is the power. im just dumfounded. in my mind the vandies are out. heeelllpp!!
right now i am using mf2100, do i do another 2100 or up to a 2500 move on? along with the cable( i asume speaker cable). i put the potentiometers to 3 only slight diff.thanks for all input bryon 84
Start with the AQ cables and biwire
and let us know.
Also make sure as Jallen mentioned you read the manual,
attain proper tilt back and side to side level.
Make sure stands are filled,try and bring em into the room 1/7th 0r 1/5thmeasured from the center of speaker
to the wall behind speakers.
Cheers John
I would take the previous advice and not make a snap judgement in the short time. I'd listen to the new speaks for at least a week, maybe 2. Throw all your favorite and best known music at them and see if you still feel this way in a while. Synergy may just be stronger with the tehcnics but the quality of the sound will reveal itself with the recordings you know and enjoy the most.
im not sure what aq wires are? right now my interconnects are cardas crosslink, and gemini supercable for speakers. the vandys are bi wired. i have thought about changing speaker wire. any one know what ss amps(watts) work best(a bassy amp but not sloppy,my wife says i need a sub) with the 2ce, right now i got 100w the rec no more than 125w.
thanks too all bryon
Wow I am a big vandy fan when I had the 2ce I found the 2wq sub made a big difference on the lowes and highs. I aggree with Jallen up above make sure they are set up right. Other speaker will be brighter and more boomey some people like that but the traid off is they hury your ears if you listen all day and they hide detail. It's like looking at tv's at the local best buy you see them all on the wall and the one with the most pushed colors and contrast looks best. But at waht cost. It depends if you are looking for accuacry or brightness. Vandersteen is a little onthe laid back side but every detail of the music comes through.