Speakers for the ears, eyes, and for the decade

I'm considering upgrading my speakers, which are currently Verity Parsifal Encores in the Makore finish. They are great speakers, and I've happily owned and not changed them for 7 or so years. I'm interested in getting to a speaker that will last me the next decade. The good news is that, over the years, I've listed to various speakers in the same range as the Parsifals (ie almost full range, but not quite) and always found the Parsifals to be better overall (just my opinion).

With that preamble and, of course, the understanding that I will listen first to whatever I buy. Here are some particulars: room is 21x17x8 (but may be a touch larger in time say 25x17x10); my Parsifals are 5ft into the room as measured from the front of the speaker; 70wpc Shindo tube amp; Shindo pre-amp; tw acustic raven AC turntable; hi-rez PC inpt to Levinson 390S (used as a DAC). As a rule, I think I want an easier load to drive than the Parsifal Encores, and I want the speakers to look great given they are in a well decorated living area. I have no desire to change amps unless it's a neutral trade (for $) and works with my Shindo pre (ie not balanced).

Here's an initial list, and budget is in and around $30k (as embarrassing as it is to say that in this economy):

Verity Sarastro IIs - only concern is ensuring it's not boomy given the rear firing configuration.
Shindo Latour Jrs - will never be able to hear these, so it's unlikely and I think I'd need to change amps to the lower powered Shindos (added $, I'd expect)
Rockport Mira Grands - easier to drive than other Rockports, a different aesthetic though and one that may be a question on the WAF front
Avalon Indra - don't think they are enough of a change from the Parsifals, don't think they are true full range, but I have an open mind
Wilson Watt Puppy/Sophia IIs - I've heard them, they're impressive, but perhaps a different flavor than the sound I like out of the Verities (design may not suit our tastes either)
Magico V3 - don't think the 70w tubes drive this, and I've heard them. Very impressive, very hi-rez, but not my cup of tea and not a significant upgrade in my mind from the Parsifals (many will disagree, just my opinion)
SonusFaber - the Amati Hommage (one down from the Strads). I actually love the Strads but they neither fit the room, or the budget, and I'm not sure my amps will drive them. I've heard the Amati some years ago - very nice.

I have to say that the finish of the Verities and Avalons really work for us (nice wood finishes, don't really look like boxy speakers). I admit I like more relaxed speakers, focus on musicality and unstressed listening rather than the n'th degree of detail and resolution. A speaker that sounds realistic on hand drums, trumpet, piano, sax, cello, acoustic guitar is what I'm after - if it works on Hugh Masekela's hope, then I'm probably going to like it.

Please remember my above thoughts are just my opinion and I'm looking to add to the list of names to explore. I did explore adding a REL sub to the setup, but have decided against it as I think I can also benefit from added extension in the higher frequencies as technology and design have improved over time.

Sorry for the long post - thank you very much for looking and I hope to hear some interesting paths to explore (particularly if anyone has heard my amps with the recommended speaker).

Best wishes
I would drag my amp to a Sonus dealer. Sounds like you like the warm sound. I am willing to bet that the amp will mate well with the Sonus speakers.
You could find a used pair of ESP Concert Grands in that price range. They are relatively efficient and tube amp friendly. The looks are different than the usual box speaker and they like to be out from the wall as you have your system configured now.
'Here's an initial list, and budget is in and around $30k (as embarrassing as it is to say that in this economy)'

Only 30K? you poor lovee, my heart bleeds for you,.....lol
Verity speakers always did sound great with Shindo gear.IMO

There are some very good and quite an eye candy speakers in your price range. However, I wouldn't make my decision based on this thread alone.
You must audition your top choice speakers yourself and together with Shindo amp - at least.

Higher "db" speakers doesn't necessery mean synergistic match.
They sure would be easier to drive by your amplifier tho.

Good luck

I owned Amati Homage for many years, was using BAT 75SE in a 14x18 room. I don't crave for bass, but I do play loud sometimes and 75 wpc was not enough for loud passage.

I assumed you are referring to Amati Anniversario which is about the same sensitivity but a bit easier on impedance. still, 70 wpc will be stretching it in your room.

I have heard Rockport Mira Grand, Avalon Indra, Magico V3, and Watt/Puppy 7 (or was it 8?) though in different locations. all are more difficult to drive than Amati Anniversario, but if you are willing to change amp I will put Amati and Magico on top.

you might also want to consider Guarneri Memento with 2 sub. I was going to sell my Guarneri Memento after receiving Aerial 20T, but I have grown to love them more than any of the 30+ speakers I have owned in the past 10+ years.