Where do I learn more about audio stuff?

I am totally interested in learning about home audio equipment. Where is the best place to find out basic-to advanced knowledge?
I do have starter system that was given to me. Can anyone comment on the quality of these items:
Denon AVR 1803 surround sound receiver, Phase Technology (9T) 3-way floor standing speakers,Phase Technology V-6 center channel speaker. Also have a pair of AMR (audio media research) PRM 308-L speakers.
What do I have?
I think it all sounds good,but what do I know.
In an abundance of caution, and by way of a disclaimer, you are hereby forewarned that Audiophilia is severely habit forming. There is no known cure for this obsessive/compulsive disorder other than a total loss of hearing. Before you proceed, further consider that none of us are able to save you once you have entered the realm of fantasy and the fantastic. Audio Manufacturers are known to prey on our weakened condition and fleece us of our hard earned cash with lavish promises of a new nirvana.
There are other rewarding hobbies you may wish to consider instead such as stamp collecting and gardening both of which may be considerably less addictive. Should you be predisposed to Audiophilia and succumb to its capricious whims please take note that this Support Group is open 24/7. Intervention is available.
search the forums here for basic questions, then read the strings, it will go fast, and sometimes be funny has hell.
right here, but the lunatic fringe and jerks are mixed together with excellent advice and interesting opinions from very nice people, and it's up to you to screen it. Eventually you learn which posters fall into each category. Stereophile (magazine)can be entertaining, but rarely useful (just one example: their "cover story" speaker in the last issue cost over $100,000)
Get hold of an "Electronics Basics" book.
It really helps if you know the difference between a resistor and a transistor or capacitor and capacitance.

Check out a few audio magazines: Stereophile, the Absolute Sound, HiFi+; as well as some of the online review sites: 6Moons, Sounstage, Secrets of Home Theater and HiFi, ecoustics, Enjoythemusic, TNTAudio, DGAGGO, UltimateAVmag...this is just a sampling...