With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you

I've recently gone into retirement. I am a 52-year-old diehard audiophile. I've had just about every statement level speaker the American market has offered over the last 10 to 15 years. The speaker I have found the most satisfying overall is my presently owned modified pair of Maggie 3.6R. I've also had their 20s and started with the Mg 3A. for my second favorite speaker I would have to pick the Avalon radian HC, and not the Eidolon( I had problems with the ceramic midrange distorting with dynamic vocals and the base was not perfect). I had dozens and dozens of conventional and electrostatic speakers so many I could bore you with the list. So let's just say I've been around the block a few times.

Let's assume that I made no mistakes meeting the speakers with the proper equipment, power conditioning and acoustical environment treatment. I have been mostly a tube person but I switched over to the new passlabs equipment because I found that I am
the equivalent sound or better than my reference tube amplifiers, without the heartbreaking experience of blowing up and $2000 tube replacements.(As I said I am retired now, I can't afford the maintenance fees anymore.

What I'm asking of my fellow audiophiles that have been listening with reference great audio systems is that they e-mail me back and give me their opinion on what conventional loudspeaker they would own if they had say $20,000 or so to spend(20,000 retail). Semi-full range down to say 35 Hz or so.

I'm going to keep the Maggies but, they don't feel the need when it comes to wanting a more compact/dynamic speaker that I could also drive with my Belcanto SET. Although, they don't need to be ultra efficient.

I would really appreciate anybody's input, I would find all of your input invaluable in making my decision.

by the way what do you all think of the Grand Veena 3A speaker. Is it better than anything for under $20-$30,000?

Thank you very much for all of your help,


thanks again,

PS I am still keeping the Maggies.
Rgcards: For floorstanders that might need more power I heard the new vienna acoustics klimpt last week and I though the were much better than magico v3 at the same dealer, and also better although in adifferent way than sonus faber elippsa.

< A very interesting sweeping remarks here, Rg can you please elaborate a little on equipments/ancillaries used during the audition and in what obvious ways were the Vienna "much better" than the later two?? Also what system you yourself are currently running at home to better understand where you are coming from. Thanks.
Bvdiman I dont wan't to start or participate in ay kind of argument. I know there are many people who beieve mgicos are untouchable, Jonathin Valin at his Avguide blog practicslly csme to blows with someone whodisagreed with him about the magicos, and I am not going to waste my time in any kind of debate. I rarely post at all so as not get embroiled in arguments. That beinf said, I believe the Magico was being driven by a plinius amp. The klimpts were being deiven by a larger audio research amp, which was on e of their d series solid state amps. The Sonus fabers were beibg driven by a 20 year old levinson. Both the SF and VA speakers wer sensarional, but I thought the bas and the sound stage depth was better on th klmpt. This was one of the best sounding demos I have ever heard, espescially since I was looking for a cheaper pair of speakers but wasmesmerized by the sound of the klimpt. To me the meagicos sounded less like real music, they din;t do anything wrong, but agftger 5 minutes I got bored and went to listen to the klimpt until I had to leave.

I ended up buying the Final sound speakers I recommended. These are my own speaker which I payed,for me, a lot of money, so you should disregard any praise for them, except to trealize tha I spent twice as much for them as the pair here is on sale for, so that must mean I like them. Honestly, I should have saved my money for my kids, but I do feel that I got the best speakers I could ever need or afford. Despite my fear in saying so,(please don't hit me Jonathan Valin) I thought they sounded better than the magicos for what I like , and they fit my room and lifestyle better(my wife accepts their looks). Are they a great speaker? For me they, for anyone else only they can say.
Hi, I'm using right now JM Lab Utopia 3 La Scala
with McIntosh equipment. The sound is fantastic.
After 200 hours of break the speakers do the best.
Find a dealer and try the Utopia 3 La Scala, you
will be surprised.
Eggleston Works Andra III, a floor standing 3-way loudspeaker with compound loaded 12 inch woofers rated at -3db to 18 hz!