Subs for coners or built-in sub inside speakers

I'm unfortunatley limited for space - I'm looking for sub that is best suited for corners or should I look deeply into speakers with built in subs like Definitive Tech BP series - I don't know of any other speakers out there with the same concept as DT - your suggestions/recommendations will be greatly appreciated....
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You'll need something that has low Q (overdamped) and rolls off gently in the bass so that you don't get too much boosted response from the corner placement - something like a Vandersteen sub or REL perhaps?
I THINK Tact and Lyngdorf have corner subs ... not sure how compatible they are with speakers besides their own though
Von Schweikert had a speaker (model 300?) w/built-in subs and Vandersteen offers the Model 5 and the Quattro. In the big to mega-buck range, AvanteGarde Horns and Audio Machina offer such models. I'm sure there are some others as well.

I had a REL stadium in a corner and couldn't have been happier with it - no directionality at all as long as it was set at the right level...