What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?

I bought a pair of Gallo 3.1's in September. I am currently using a Response Audio Platinum modified Jolida 502b with KT88/98 tubes, 60 watts per channel. Input tubes are vintage Tungsol and Valvo. I am, for the most part (audionervosa) satisfied with the sound. Timing, rythm, and pace is good, the sound is happy, toe tapping fun. Very musical. I had a Mcintosh 6900 for a cpl of months 200 watts with autoformers. I was dissapointed that there seemed to be no synergy with these two components. The sound was rolled off, flat, and lifeless in my system, in my house. YMMV

I am just curious what other Gallo owners have tried, what worked well, what didn't, and what you are using now.
I auditioned a pair today. I am pleased to see that Dopogue has had some decent luck with a moderately powered tube amp and the Gallos. I currently run a PrimaLuna Prologue 3 & 5 and was a bit worried. I think I'd likely go down the route of the SA amp as well.

Do you have the option to use either 4 or 8 ohm taps on that unit? and if so which do you use?
No option. I'm assuming something close to 8 ohms but don't really know. I'll have to ask the amp designer sometime.
Audio Alchemy Overture OM150 with PSU150 + PSU150M

I'm happy with it, but sometimes wonder if a more powerful amp would yield better results.
I have now been using a Wyred 4 Sound ST1000 and a Cary slp98 preamp with my Gallos for almost 2 months. I feel I can comment on this combination now having let everything settle in for a while.

This is probably as neutral and detailed as my system has ever been while not becoming sterile, boring, or harsh in the process. There is excellent balance throughout the musical spectrum. Prodigious bass, excellent midrange and the sweetest highs without a hint of glare or fatigue. The touch of sunkist sweetness is thanks to a pair of RCA Red Base Military 5692 tubes in the Cary. These tubes took this system from very, very, good to just wonderful.

Soundstage is very balanced with pinpoint imaging of instruments and vocals. Soft music passages are relaxed and richly detailed, when the pace picks up the explosiveness and incredible speed can be startling!

MAPMAN You were correct that the high current would be most noticable at low volumes! I have never enjoyed music played at such low volume. All of the detail, prat and balanced musicality is right there even at very low volumes.

This is a very satisfying and incredibly musical system. Just a joy to listen to!

I have a Clayton S40 Class A 50 watt amp coming in a week to compare to the Wyred 4 Sound. I will post the results in a couple of weeks.