Avalon Eidolon Diamond or Aerial 20T v2.

I am trying to decide between these two speakers and was hoping to get some input from anyone who has heard either of these speakers.

I realize the best thing for me to do is go and listen to them but it is tough for me to do. I have heard each speaker but wasn't at the store to listen to either of these in particluar. I heard the Aerials when demoing a subwoofer and they where the orginals not the v2. I only heard the Avalons briefly at a store being demoed for another customer about 3-4 years ago.

From what I'm hearing in talking to dealers over the phone and to a friend who has the Eidolon Vision the Avalon's give a more holographic sound (Wider and deeper soundstage)over most other speakers. The Aerial's I'm told are not as holographic and are alittle more in your face.
Thanks for the detailed response Mmike84 that is the kind of answers I'm looking for. The one thing you say that intrigues me the most is about placement. My room is just over 14 feet wide and the screen for the projector is about 8.5 feet wide so I can only go about 2.5 feet from the sidewalls. Any further and the left and right speaker start getting in the way of the screen. From the front wall I can go out up to 5-6 feet no problem.

Why are you selling your 20T's Mmike84.
Make sure you listen to the Diamonds and not the standard Eidolon or Visions. The Diamond is a very different speaker and you can see a very different price tag also. The Diamonds have more bass output plus it will go deeper. There Diamond tweeter is the best in the world period but for how much they cost it better be. The Diamonds have a different woofer, tweeter, crossover and cabinet then the Vision.

The Aerial 20T is pretty close to the V2 so you can get away with listening to the 20T and getting a good idea what the V2 will sound like. I had the 20T's and was ready to get them upgraded but I didn't feel the V2 was worth the extra money. If you listened to the Aerial model 9 it sounds nothing like the 20T same is true with Avalon.

I can tell you that the 600Se is not enough power for the 20T. The 20T love to be Bi amp with tons of power. Now if you used 2 600Se it would be closer.

Now the Diamonds like distance behind the speakers more then distance from side walls. The crossovers in the Diamonds is flat out amazing.

I will tell you that they both are very very different speakers.
Mtdking why are you selling your Diamonds and which did you prefer the Avalon's or the Aerial's.
I'm selling for personal reasons.

Well it's not fair to compare the Diamonds to the 20T because of the price difference. The 20T retailed for $10,000 less then the Diamond. The Diamonds are better but again they should be. I have never heard a speakers sound like the Diamond and I've owned Wilson's, Jm labs, Kharma, Vandersteen, Dynaudio and some others in the price class.

The Diamonds are ultra transparent with a midrange that is spooky holographic. One of the only speakers I have heard that has no driver integration issues. They are super fast and the top end has no limit.

There is a reason why you saw so many Avalon's at CES and Rocky mountain audio shows. Avalon has figured it out. It's there crossover that makes them so good. I heard other speakers with the same drives sound horrible (Kharma).

Email me and I can give you more and some other speakers you should look at.
I'm selling my 20t's because I want to try some tubed amplifiers and the 20t's are not a match. Once they sell I'll also have the perfect matching amp available.

Mtdking (above) knows what he's talking about so take those comments to heart.

I disagree with him (partially) on two counts. The reviews I have heard about say that V-2 is quite different than what Mark has heard, and I know he not heard them in person. In addition to being named by Absolute Sound as best in show at CES 2009 w/ Boulder gear at a price point that is about 1/2-1/3 below the other winners (magico, Vandersteen, etc.), everyone I have spoken to who has heard them says they are just a totally different speaker and perhaps one of the very best in the world at any price.

I also think your amps are up to the task although I promise there are many that will do a better job. I use a 4 channel Rowland and I bi-amp them and they sound incredible. I used to use Ayre monoblocks which are no slouch at 350 wpc but the Rowlands do a remarkably better job.

It sounds like you can give the Avalons the rear space so that's good.

Again for home theater applications I think the 20t's will do a better job.