Avalon Eidolon Diamond or Aerial 20T v2.

I am trying to decide between these two speakers and was hoping to get some input from anyone who has heard either of these speakers.

I realize the best thing for me to do is go and listen to them but it is tough for me to do. I have heard each speaker but wasn't at the store to listen to either of these in particluar. I heard the Aerials when demoing a subwoofer and they where the orginals not the v2. I only heard the Avalons briefly at a store being demoed for another customer about 3-4 years ago.

From what I'm hearing in talking to dealers over the phone and to a friend who has the Eidolon Vision the Avalon's give a more holographic sound (Wider and deeper soundstage)over most other speakers. The Aerial's I'm told are not as holographic and are alittle more in your face.
Not to interupt this awesome dialogue that you guys have going here, but as the starter of this thread I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going with a pair of Aerial 20T v2. I didn't get to actually here them but in talking to some people that I trust I decided to make the executive decision and get them.

Thanks for all the opinions and input.
Congrats Audiodreamer

I've listened to Aerial 20T V2's extensively at my friends place and love-em.

I love Avalons a hell of a lot too, esp. the Diamonds and Isis, but hey, we're talking about two fantastic speaker manufacturers, my only other would be Intuitive Designs, but that's another thread, have fun.
Well I've had the speakers for a week now and all I can say is WOW. There is no comparison to the LR5's, none-nada. What impressed me the most about the 20T v2's is the bass. I'm not running the subs at all and there is just so much great bass coming out of the two Aerials it's glorious. On the highs and mids it's just scary sometimes, very real.