Coincident Eclipse vs Devore

Can anyone give comparisons of the Coincident Eclipse Line of speakers vs Devore super 8's or 9's.
I have Coincident PE II's, no Devore dealers in sight and I am curious.
the partial eclipse is a truly great speaker..this sounds like audiophile boredom setting in(it happens to everyone).
Two big thumbs up for my Super Eclipse III's - outstanding in every respect and one of the few conventional, dynamic driver speakers that could compete with the sound of horns for me (fast as all get-out). I've used them with 9 watt SET amps and now with a 150w SS amp and they excelled in both applications, though the SET recommendation would be limited to relatively nearfield listening. I've only heard Devore 9's at CES - they sounded great there. Obviously I cannot compare since they weren't in the same system and the same room, but they certainly sounded like fine speakers as well.

I am sure you are correct, because there is nothing wrong with what I have!
I own a pair of Coincidents, and am familiar with many of the other models. In addition to that, I have a local DeVore dealer, and have spent a fair amount of time listening to them.

For one, the Coincidents are far easier to drive. No question about it. The DeVores may look good on paper in that regard, but I've seen a lot of tube amplifiers just never bring them to life, so if you are interested in pairing the speakers with a moderately powered tube amplifier, that might be a bit of a consideration. Other than that, the DeVores are a bit richer and fuller, while still offering a commendable amount of detail, clarity, and information. The knock on the Coincidents is that they can be a bit too forward in the wrong system.

For what it's worth, my own opinion is that if I were interested in low - moderately powered transformer coupled tube amplification, I'd go with the Coincidents. If I were interested in a tube amplifier with some power than I'd encourage you to find a pair of DeVores to audition, as things are going to come down to personal preference. For a solid state amplifier, a system that is already a bit on the hot side, or a small room, then I would probably give the more serious consideration to DeVore.