Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?

I've recently auditioned Sophia 2's and found them to be very lean in the midbass (but nice speaker overall) and am wondering if this observation is typical or unusual.

No, I meant in comparison to other speakers. Do they like to be positioned near the front wall?

I have them 39" out from the front wall and if I pull them out more I start to lose body quickly...
I have them 39" out from the front wall and if I pull them out more I start to lose body quickly...

That sounds about right for loss of mid bass - you will have a big suckout around 100 Hz - see the red curve.

That is why I soffit mounted my speakers - it is a universal problem but nobody seems aware of it.

You can move the speaker to shift the suckout to a part of the spectrum that bothers you less but it will still be there - unless you soffit mount.

Could you explain what you mean by soffit mount? I think of a soffit as a projection between a ceiling and adjoining wall. In kitchens, cabinets are often hung from soffits.

I think you have them way to far out in the room.

It's a placement issue you have not a speaker issue. My wilsons are only 22" from the back wall. All rooms are different. Did you follow the wilson audio setup procedure? If not, you have much more waiting for you!