Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?

I've recently auditioned Sophia 2's and found them to be very lean in the midbass (but nice speaker overall) and am wondering if this observation is typical or unusual.

I heard them for the first time at the Stereophile show a few years ago in NY and thought they were just plain lean, full stop. Used with LAMM Electronics. I was very disappointed, given the reviews and Wilson's reputation.

I own these speakers and they are not lean. Placement is the issue. If they were not voiced/placed by a wilson dealer you might consider paying them to do this for you.
I own these Speakers and have used them with Amplifiers from BAT, McIntosh, Krell & PASS and they have always sounded full-bodied and awesome - never lean - not even close.
Tusa - not to offroad the thread - but what amps did you find sound best with them? I have have them sounding fantastic on a sim amp with a hovland pre.
Lean? Uh, NO! In fact, they are one of the fullest most dynamicaly alive speakers around. My room has a suckout so I had to take my time and move the speakers about a 1/2" at a time forward and back playing known material with the appropriate frquency range reproduced. Less than an inch can be the difference between OK sound and absolute bliss:O)