Dimple in speaker driver cone

I have a pair of Thiel CS 1.6s that have a quarter size dimple in one the driver cones of one speaker that a friends curious child created when he pushed his finger into my speaker (damn him). Can that dimple be removed by moi? Or do I need to have it repaired or replaced by the manufacturer?
You can leave it alone. It will not alter the sound but only annoy you visually.
If it is in the center of the speaker it is in the dust cap of the magnet. If this is the case it has no effect on the sound and can be ignored or repaired by you. I had one recently which I repaired by judiciously pushing on other side of cap, another method I have heard of but not used involves using a very small pin with a bent end to pull it back in place. If it is really a dimple in the cone itself then professional help is required.
You can also try adhering a piece of tape to the center of the dimple and pulling it out or if you are daring a small vacuum cleaner.
You can also try adhering a piece of tape to the center of the dimple and pulling it out or if you are daring a small vacuum cleaner.
Entrope (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)

I've used the vacuum cleaner method with success (hand vac).

Also, warming the dimpled area with a hair dryer can help make the material a little more pliable.
Make sure there is no one else in the room and gently suck on it. I know that this sounds ridiculous and I am leaving myself wide-open for major A'gon teasing, but it really worked for me on my old Dynaudios.