Dimple in speaker driver cone

I have a pair of Thiel CS 1.6s that have a quarter size dimple in one the driver cones of one speaker that a friends curious child created when he pushed his finger into my speaker (damn him). Can that dimple be removed by moi? Or do I need to have it repaired or replaced by the manufacturer?
TVAD's hair dryer and vacuum suggestion is right on and has worked for me. You don't want to let the vacuum attatchment touch the cone. I would sugget you use the brush attatchment so there is some control over the amount of suction.
My hand vac has a crevice attachment that provides a narrow and very controllable opening. I found this worked well.
Put the covers on if you have them.I know it drives one crazy as it happened to me,best of luck and keep your stick on the ice.Sorry for being redundant,I dont have alot of material,Bob
A yes, two weeks back the same thing happend to me! A mischevious child when and punched in the dust caps on one of my Sequerra montiors (no grills)---more than just quarter size...all the way. When I told my wife about it, he overheard and promply went and punched the other one in too as we watched dumbfounded.

Fortunately, I was angling for some new speakers so I told my wife that since this was her friends child, at least we could get new speakers. So I bought some Acoustic Zen Adagios. I feel that I made out pretty well!!

But if that's out of the question...well you may be able to remove the the dustcaps altogther and replace it with a phase plugs (make sure you can find the right size before doing that). (As i realized once I removed the dustcaps on my Sequerras. I found a website with some wooden ones here: http://www.planet10-hifi.com/pp-testimonials.html. I'll probably do that anyway with the Sequerras.