If you could do a blind shootout...

of floorstanding speakers UP TO $3,000...what spedific speaker(s) would you want to be in the shootout?
Hell; just bring Stevie-- or for a "double blind test" also bring Ray Charles with you.
Also along with Rhljazz's savy input; make sure all the speakers have 500 hrs, at least.(My Wilsons had so so bass for about 6/8 months.)
I'm not crazy about shootouts where all speakers are driven by the same system unless it can be established up front that the system is equally well matched for each case.

Without this pre-requisite in place beforehand, the results are biased and of limited value to the consumer.

With it, the results can have meaning as long as technically how well the speakers match to the system can be assessed and that information published along with the results.

Otherwise, people looking for real useful information will be mislead to expect certain things with these speakers on their systems and in their rooms, which are different, and have stronger chance of being disapointed in reality.

Can you tell us the exact system that would be used and some general room characteristics? That will make a difference regarding which speakers should be considered in the target price range.
How come I don't see Sonus Faber in here? if this is for $3K retail price then my awesome old SF Grand Piano Home series fell off the chart then.