If you could do a blind shootout...

of floorstanding speakers UP TO $3,000...what spedific speaker(s) would you want to be in the shootout?
Having each set up and reviewed in an optimized environment also sounds much better.

The OHMs in the $3000 range specifically would be the OHM 200 Series 3. These target "medium" sized rooms as defined on the OHM site. If the shootout room is smaller, OHM 100 Series 3 at ~ $1700 would be the ones. Significant break-in time is required to sound best, particularly with the larger models.
Thanks Mapman.

If we get enough votes for them, we will contact Ohm. Actually, I probably will anyway to see if we can get a standard review.

Anyone know a person at Ohm to specifically contact?
Honestly, I don't believe these tests yield anything worthwhile beyond mere entertainment.

What would be better? Individual review? We're doing that. Prolonged listening? We're doing that. Measurements? check.. Yes...listening in your own home is always the best. This will just help narrow down or add some choices. The more information you have, the better. If you can't see that, it's ok. Besides..even if it were only entertainment, can't we all use a little these days? :)