If you could do a blind shootout...

of floorstanding speakers UP TO $3,000...what spedific speaker(s) would you want to be in the shootout?
What's funny is...how many buying decisions do you think are made by people who have read posts here from people they know nothing about....thousands. Yet people criticize something done professionally for their benefit. Go figure.

The difference is the large variety of individual comments and observations available via sites like this. If you read enough comments and observations, good or bad, accurate or inaccurate, eventually patterns will emerge that are more reliable indicators of truth than any subjective observations from a small and supposed unbiased panel of experts. Its just basic probability theory at work.

No reason why a shootout cannot add to the body of info available, but it is just one sample out of a much larger body of experience and information available out there these days via the wonder of the Internet.

HAving said that, I personally would love to see such a shootout involving leading or most highly regarded brands/models for both informational and entertainment reasons and I think many would find such a thing very interesting.

Where do I volunteer?

I firmly believe that a well executed article that compares a handful or so like-products can actually be useful – potentially even more-so than a singular product review. That said, the reason why such articles are rarely done is because they require an extreme amount of time and resources to do properly. Beyond facets of subjectivity that surround panel members hearing capacity and personal taste, there are more pressing matters as to whether or not a product is being fairly represented, matters such as:

Will the listening space be able to accommodate each loudspeaker to ensure that none will be left at a disadvantage?

Will you have a breadth of components on hand to achieve a good (confirmed) synergy with all the loudspeakers under review in order to attain a solid idea of what they can and cannot do?

Will you have reps from each manufacturer at the event so they can ensure that their product is set up as best as possible in that particular listening space?

The thing is Jim, if done the wrong way - such articles do far more harm than good. If the answer to the above is “no” or even a “yes, but..” than honestly, all you’re doing is setting yourself up for questionable conclusions that will help neither the consumer nor the manufacturer. If Stereomojo’s past work is any indication of what we can expect to see in this comparison, than its looking like this will be yet another article not to be taken seriously. Entertainment value aside, these contests that Stereomojo conduct bring almost nothing of merit to the table. Unless things have changed (and I hope that they have), I can only hope that folks in this industry have smartened up and will stay far, far away.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. We have gotten emails from all over the world and many suggestions on other boards. So far, Salk Songtowers are the #1 model people have submitted. Just want to keep you informed.
Thanks Mapman

"Where do I volunteer". What a wonderful spirit. People who spend their time criticizing those who actually do something for their fellow men but do nothing themselves are the bane of a free society. Talk is cheap. Positive actions are priceless. Stereomojo is just a group of experienced people who do a lot of work for no money to benefit others who share our passion. That's it. It's frustrating to have to spend our precious time dealing with people who never get off their butts to do anything but sit around and criticize others - in public no less. Why? To make themselves look important and knowledgeable. I'm glad their are people like you who see through it all.

If you think our past shootouts are not taken seriously, just google STEREOMOJO SHOOTOUT and see the comments from all over the word.

Just an example:

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15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Oct 4, 2006
onkyo也有!! 我當初是看這篇文章燃起了試試的想法. The great digital amp shootout http://www.stereomojo.com/SHOOTOUT2007INTEGRATEDS.htm ...
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