Help What's Wrong with my System

I have moved from a room 15.5X25 to a 17X42+ room, the only thing that has changed was a different pair of Hales T 8's( had a pair before).
Things are so bad I can't listen, have tried long wall, short wall, and different placement to no avail, any suggestions would certainly help
Levinson 332 Amp
Sonic Fronties Line 3 SE
Theta Pro Gen Va, and transport
Ensemble cable, FIM power cords
Well, you've had lots of good suggestions, but those speakers must be closer to the back wall to get a balanced response. If you move them back to within about 10" of the wall you should notice tons of added bass. The problem will be that the bass will overwhelm the midrange. To get it right, no matter what speakers you get, you should seek out a Sumiko dealer (they sell Sonus Faber and Vienna Acoustic) and pay him or her to set up your speakers using the Sumiko Master Set system. I'll work.

I've recently used the Sumiko Master Set for my speaker placement with great results. It is worth a try and you can do it yourself if a Sumiko trained professional is not near you, as was my case.

Try here:;topic=60819.0