distance between speakers

been reading a few articles on speaker placement to get idaes on how to best position mine.
When people talk about the distance between spaekers do they mean inside edge to inside edge or tweeter center to tweeeter center ... or something else
also when they say x feet to the back wall do they mean x feet from the back of the speaker to the wall behind or x feet from the front of the speaker?
At the 2009 THE SHOW the Audiokinesis speakers were from Duke's new Planetarium series. Same with 2008 RMAF. I've been extremely happy with the Jazz Modules. Duke has a forum over on Audio Circle if anyone is interested in learning more about Audiokinesis products.
At the 2009 THE SHOW the Audiokinesis speakers were from Duke's new Planetarium series. Same with 2008 RMAF.

Yes, then in must have been the Planetariums that I heard most recently as I do recall they seemed smaller than your pics of your own Jazz Modules. That system sounded fabulous and I went back a couple of times to hear it again. Alas, Duke was not able to be in attendance. The other show I heard his room at was actually RMAF '07, where he was playing what looked like much larger speakers (I think, Dreammakers). That was also a very memorable room. His seemless integration of low bass is remarkable, while the overall sound is very you-are-there...or rather the musicians-are-there.
You have the overall Audiokinesis sound pegged very accurately.

Those would have been the Dream Makers at RMAF 2007, which I believe won a best of show award from someone. At THE SHOW this year the Planetarium speakers (can't remember the model) were demoed in the VRS Audio room.