Shahinian and Ohm

Wondering if anyone who has compared these two or something similiar to the Ohm could share their experiences. Thanks.
I am going to order a pair of 100 S3's and was wondering how much power they need and any amp recommendations?
I am going to order a pair of 100 S3's and was wondering how much power they need and any amp recommendations(ss)?
I have owned a set of 100 M3 (in M2 cabinets) for 2 1/2 years. In a smalish room 60w RMS is "adequate". They like current, clean of course. I would like to double that. Their rated for 150 max.\

They sound wonderful!
mapman has had a lot of ohm experience, but i'll say any decent amp around a 100 watts will be more than enough power for the 100......the ohm is pretty incredible.