All vandersteen users ?

have been using vk55: 55wpc for a pair of vandersteen 2ce Sig2 where have been recently told by another dealer that unless we hit 200W, one cannot really imagine what these speakers are capable of ..... he mentioned immensely higher 'headroom'

now looking at either upgrading to

1. a pair of vk55 monblocks
2. or just a vk75

Speakers wise, wld be looking at going up to vandersteen quatro...

Qn: Wld 02 x vk55 monoblocks really be too little for vandersteen 2ce Sig2 OR for that matter the quatro..

any advice from any vandersteen users wld be highly appreciated...
I've always used between 100 and 250 watts of ss power with my 2ce Sigs & 3A Sigs. Other than the sound of the amps, I didn't notice any difference in "headroom".

If you go with the Quatro, I would imagine you wouldn't need quite as much power, since they have their own powered subs.
Not a Vandy owner, and would be interested to read what others have to say. But I have recently moved from smaller to biggger amps, and have been pleased with the relative effortlessness and lack of congestion I seem to hear, at least with less efficient speakers, even where I hadn't sensed the effort and congestion before. Still, I would imagine wattage is not the only, or even the main reason. Bigger power supplies help dynamic headroom and transient response greatly, for instance. Damping factor important too. Anyway, it must certainly be true that if the first watt isn't good, it doesn't matter how many more you have. Of course room size and musical preferences (and damn near everything else) matter too. But my experience has certainly been that, other things equal, bigger equal better, and decidedly not just louder, for amps.
Amps hit their sweet spot at differing points in the power range. I have a pair of Vandy 2c's that I ran with a 250w Bryston amp that was as sweet as it got in my listening room. I tried a pair of ASL Hurricanes with the Vandy's and even though it had more headroom the sound was more muddled, less defined and less dynamic. When the cost of the added power is figured in the choice is clear. There may be many reasons why the single amp works better in my situation, many have been mentioned already by others.

BTW the Hurricanes worked like magic on a pair of Alon's that I have, one of the most musical sounding pairings I have ever heard.
The Quatro VK-55 mono blocks would be a fantastic combo!!! If you can do this do it and forget playing around, you would have to add a pair of 2Wq sub and all the associated equipment to come close. I had 3A Sig's, a pair of 2Wq's, M5-HP filters etc. etc. I drove this with Pass X-150 (pre- subs), Quicksilver V-4's and ARC VS-115 (could have used a pair of ARC VS-55 like Vandersteen did at shows with Quatro's) With the 2Ce Sigs2 and no subs I think you need min 120 tube watts per channel to get punch in the low end.

Tks ur response. Suprised at ur comments as dealer mentioned that 110wpc w the vk 55 monoblocks r definitely way underpowered for the Vandersteens quatro...

No chance for audition :(