What amplifier for Harbeth HL-5?

I recently bought a pair of Harbeth HL-5, and I think they are just great speakers: great midrange, great (but not excessive) detail, overall addictive. I currently drive them with a Shindo Monbrison preamp and an EAR 890 power amp. I also tried my second system's amplifier, an EAR 859, and despite its low power (13WPC), it drives them very well. Actually, it is hard to tell the difference between the EAR 859 and the Monbrison + EAR 890 combination, except that the former is slightly more forward. But my ears could hear very little difference between the two systems, which is surprising given the significant price difference. Since I think that I will keep them for a while, I would be curious to hear others' experiences with electronics for the HL-5.
I totally subscribe to Ryder's comments, with one exception. In my room (something like 14x17, perhaps a bit more), and with my system, I find the bass to be more than adequate, and I definitely do not feel the need of a subwoofer. This is an amazing speaker, especially for someone who considers some audiophiles' obsession for detail to be totally anti-musical (or something that goes against what hi-fidelity should be all about: getting as close as possible to the real thing).
Ryder - My preliminary findings with my newly acquired M-40.1's are similar to what you describe as most notable characteristics with the SHL5's, with the exception of bass response. I'm looking forward to getting a bit more top end extension and sparkle once my Skylan stands arrive and the 40.1's are properly dialed in. Bass response with the 40.1's is quite robust, full and nicely detailed... I definitely won't be in the market for a subwoofer as long as I have these speakers!
Pdreher, I hope you will get the Skylan stands soon and have the M40.1's properly set up before carrying out a proper evaluation on their sonic performance and actual capabilities. I might have been too critical on the bass performance of the SHL-5 in my earlier post with my nit-picking. I also find them to be excellent in the bass department that is more than adequate for most material. It's just that by reinforcing the low frequencies just a tiny bit produced a subtle but appreciable difference to my ears. I can still live with the speakers without a sub for sure.
Let me make a suggestion regarding stands. I never tried the Skylan and I am sure they are wonderful. But I recently got a pair of custom-made wood stands made by resonantwoods in New Hampshire. They are amazingly elegant and extremely sturdy. The builder really knows what he is doing...and they are not much more expensive than Sylans (I believe 20% or 30% more)
I wasnt' a big believer of stands and there improvment to the music until I moved from some Target stands to the Sound Anchors I am using now. They make a model just for the HL5 and 40.1 (around $700-750 a pr.) These have made a believer out of me. More coherent, sharper image, and a little tighter bass.