Will YBA Integre DT Match Harbeth Speakers Well?

I am just thinking if YBA Integre DT will match Harbeth speakers well. I have listened to the earlier version of the YBA Integre and find the amp to be quite musical with good detail. Currently I am driving my Harbeth SHL-5 with Plinius and getting a nice warm sound. I am seeking another flavor in contrast to the house sound of the Plinius and was hoping to find an amp that is more exciting, detailed, lean and musical. Will the YBA Integre DT fit the bill?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Drubin, I agree that there would be very little deviation in the Harbeth house sound with different amps. However, there would still be perceptible and appreciable differences. The latest NVA integrated amp I have now has proven this with a more tonally accurate midrange up to the high frequencies compared to the Plinius/ARC. Where the NVA lost to the Plinius is in the bass department with the lack of punch and slam. I can perceive a different sound in both vocals and instruments between both amps. Sound of percussion such as cymbals are quite different between the NVA and Plinius/ARC, and the degree of changes are pretty apparent. On the other hand, voices sound more natural and organic wtih the NVA. All these differences are not really day and night but are easily noticeable to my ears. With all these findings, I am now seeking an alternative amp with all the traits of the NVA but with better control in the bass region and possibly a little bit more here and there.
I understand. One amp I found that worked extremely well with Harbeths (to my ears) was Nuforce. Have you ever tried that?