Room treatment requirement differences

I am currently developing a room treatment scenario for a pair of Oracle Mentor/ Studios with a REL Storm. The room is 29'x 17 x 7'19". I am planning on going back to MG 3.6's, and the Storm, within a couple years and am curious what kind of treatment differences will be required when changing from cones to panels? (Expect the Storm to roll in under the Maggies natural bass response.)
Thanks in advance for your responses!
Unless you can get the MG's well out into the room then you might need some absorption/diffusion behind them (for the rear reflection). Otherwise treatments will probably be similar (for bass)
Some of the planar speaker makers wanted the rear wall reflective, Apogee recommended this for my Duetta Sigs. Treating corners and wall interfaces should be the same for both in my experience. The basic Michael Green kit is inexpensive and should work with either. I use RELs in the way you suggest and am happy with results.
Some of the planar speaker makers wanted the rear wall reflective, Apogee recommended this for my Duetta Sigs.

Agreed - provided you have the space a reflecting surface is fine. Research has clearly shown that early or near reflections will not improve the imaging at all.