Setup CD + SPL for Vandersteen Quatro

hi guys, wld greatly appreciate if u could guide me where i can possibily purchase the 'original' setup guide CD + suitable SPL to tune the 11 band equalizer myself ...

'original' ie. relevant to the instructions of the manual of the vandertseen quatro ...

tks a lot ...
I think only dealers are given that CD, it is N/A. You might try one of the Stereophile test discs. The #1 disc, tests at 200Hz,160Hz,125Hz,100Hz,80Hz,63Hz,50Hz,40Hz,31.5Hz,25Hz and 20Hz and with a SPM from Radio Shack your in there.
Art, I use the Stereophile disk above and RS meter to adjust my 5As. Can take a couple hours (first time) but its not that hard.

I heard both that Vandersteen had a special disk to match the EQ bands and that it was just a just 1/3 octive print like the Stereophile disk. Don't know which, but this is a do it your self deal for a lot of people.

BTW the RS meter (use the analog model) over reads the level in the mid and low bass by a couple three db. The newest meter is much better on that front than the older one from ten or more years ago.
