Are Harbeths really "all that?"


I am not actually in the market for new speakers (heck, I just GOT new speakers) but I am intrigued, lately, reading about the Harbeth line on this forum. Are those little Harbeths (their "entry level," can't remember the model number right now) as fabulous as most reviewers seem to suggest? What kinds of music do they excel at? What kind of power do they need?
I tend to agree in it being taste..I had the HL Super 5 in my home for a week and couldn't live with them at all.I found them a touch boring..But many love them so you have to decide by hearing them live only .....
NO!!!I just heard the 40.1 demoed a couple weeks ago...Old technology and extremely overpriced compared to whats out there
When I look at them, driver configuration, cabinet size, etc., I have trouble reconciling the price with what I see. I suspect its a boutique type sound that some will love and not be able to live without. But the fact is I have never heard them. Would like to though.

There is an A'goner who just acquired a pair of nice Harbeths to replace some very nice large Dynaudios. Results reported are mixed so far. HE reports that the Harbeths are more satisfying at lower to moderate listening levels. That is not the greatest strength of Dyns in my experience so I can believe that. Using a good higher power, higher current, more efficient amp can often solve that problem with many speaks though I have found, including Dyns.
Harbeths do present a relatively high input impedance though I think which would make them natural mates with tube and other SS amps that may not deliver a lot of juice compared to others. That is other end of the spectrum from speaks like Dynaudio and OHM even however.