Are Harbeths really "all that?"


I am not actually in the market for new speakers (heck, I just GOT new speakers) but I am intrigued, lately, reading about the Harbeth line on this forum. Are those little Harbeths (their "entry level," can't remember the model number right now) as fabulous as most reviewers seem to suggest? What kinds of music do they excel at? What kind of power do they need?
As with all competently designed and built audio equipment, we are in the realm of personal taste. There is a thread initiated just above this one that provides a glowing review of Von Schweikert speakers. I've heard three models in three different setups and really don't understand all the fuss. I'm not saying they are bad speakers but simply that they are not for me. I owned a pair of Compact 7ES's and have heard both the Monitor 40 and Super HL5 and find them to be close to perfection. Could they have more realistic dynamics? Yeah. Could they have tighter, deeper bass? Yes. Are they rather large, ugly boxes? Yes. Are they a little expensive given the current exchange rate? Yes they are but you could spend a lot more money and get much worse sound. So, Rebbi--you just have to go and listen for yourself.
Down, boys, down!! ;-)

Seriously, though.... as the OP here, I was just curious, for some of the same reasons that have been mentioned earlier. Many reviewers describe the line as being extraordinarily musical and involving, yet when you look at them (which isn't the point, agreed) they don't seem like much.

I suspect that the greatest part of their expense (at least here in the States) is attributable to their being hand-built in the UK -- and the exchange rate between the US dollar and the UK pound is a killer.

Paulfolbrecht's point about "dead, skinny cabinets" is an interesting one. Actually, I was wondering about that. The Stereo Times reviewer raves about their "pin point imaging," but when you see those drivers recessed in those wide, shallow cabinets, you can't help thinking "edge diffraction effects" all over the place.

There's a Harbeth dealer (more accurately, a guy selling them out of his house) here in Austin. Perhaps over the summer break I'll go have a listen and see if I can tell what all the fuss is about...
They were principally designed with voice in mind - drama and radio for BBC. They have a great midrange and will help make a bad recording enjoyable. I don't think they are exciting or the last word on a full orchestra, big band or rocking out the neighbours with ACDC.

However, they are great at what they do!

Horses for courses - if you want to hear a funky big band or Mahler at 100 db SPL at the listening position with tight punch in the stomach percussion and clear tangible deep bass riffs then I would recommend something else! (But remember you can listen to Harbeth at more modest levels all day long and enjoy the polite and resolving sound)
The Stereo Times reviewer raves about their "pin point imaging," but when you see those drivers recessed in those wide, shallow cabinets, you can't help thinking "edge diffraction effects" all over the place.

Actually the wide cabinets are preferable to narrow cabinets for edge diffraction ;)

In any case, I heard the Compact 7ES3 (not that compact actually) last week in a friend's system on the new Pass Labs INT-150 and they were extraordinarily detailed and natural with some of the most natural drums I heard in a while. In many regards much better than most Dynaudio's (but also completely different sounding). Not for loud unrealistic bass explosions though...
Actually the wide cabinets are preferable to narrow cabinets for edge diffraction

Not really. Narrow cabinets less than about 5 to 10 inches wide can be very good (smallest is best and this is important in the mids and HF which is why you sometimes see a triangular mid and HF with a woofer box below). 1 to 3 feet is less good (generally manufacturers will place the tweeter off center which helps). A flush wall mount is the best of all as there is no diffraction and ALSO no rear (wall behind speakers) quarter wave cancellation in the bass (below about 400 to 600Hz) Recall that bass radiates omniderectionally whereas MF and HF rediate mostly forwards into a "half-space" - so in order to create the realistic illusion of a point source then you should really try to flushmount in a wall.