Are Harbeths really "all that?"


I am not actually in the market for new speakers (heck, I just GOT new speakers) but I am intrigued, lately, reading about the Harbeth line on this forum. Are those little Harbeths (their "entry level," can't remember the model number right now) as fabulous as most reviewers seem to suggest? What kinds of music do they excel at? What kind of power do they need?
Drubin: Instead of a third trip down Harbeth Lane have you reconsidered the Daedalus's? For me these were the answer since they retain all the natural musicality/tonality and glorious midrange of the Harbeth's but add realistic dynamics, the ability to play loud without strain and deeper, tighter bass. I think you heard the old DA-1's but the new models are way better.
My third trip is with the little sealed box models, so a different approach altogether. And not the forthcoming revision with the Radial drivers. I'm just an audio neurotic.
Drubin, I have the P3s, and while I've put them up for sale as I really have no good 'home' for them, they are really amazing little speakers.
Good thread. I do think Harbeths are great speakers in general, but...

(1) You are paying a markup for the brand name.

(2) Current exchange rate makes European speakers poor values in general.

Therefore if someone can afford and wants to pay for them, I would not say he is making a mistake. However, for myself I'd choose a US-made speaker.

Not sure if I have helped at all. :)

You live close to a dealer, so listen to them and please report back your impression, including comparison with your Ohms.