Are Harbeths really "all that?"


I am not actually in the market for new speakers (heck, I just GOT new speakers) but I am intrigued, lately, reading about the Harbeth line on this forum. Are those little Harbeths (their "entry level," can't remember the model number right now) as fabulous as most reviewers seem to suggest? What kinds of music do they excel at? What kind of power do they need?
Yes. the AN/Es are on my "someday, hopefully" short list.

And Dodgealum, I have listened to Daedalus speakers several times, as you know. I admire them greatly, but I've never been smitten by them. Which is not to say I wouldn't be if I had them at home, but given their size and cost, I haven't felt moved to take the plunge. Lou is a great, great guy, too.
solid (read classic)british sound. as for being 'all that', they'll have to line up with a lot of others, british..and other.
Drubin: Nuff said--I didn't know if you had heard any of the new models. I'm not trying to evangelize, just felt that having some knowledge of your preferences and how much the new Daedalus models have improved over the earlier designs thought you might be interested. FWIW, I don't get the whole Audionote thing--stick speakers in the corners of the room? I'm all for unconventional thinking but I heard an AN setup at a show in NJ a few years ago and it reminded me of a bad college dorm room setup. Maybe my information is old or inaccurate or incomplete.

Watch out - IMHO AN fans are extremely protective and defensive of some of their classic retro type designs. You may have just entered a mine field - though I hope not as too many threads seem to take a bad turn these days.
Shadorne--thanks for the warning. That's why I hedged. I've only heard them once and that was at a show so who knows? Just didn't get it. BTW, Bob Neill was hosting the demo.