Now Hear This

I've been lookiing for low priced floorstanders for quite a while now. Thank you to everyone who has given advice in the past.
A local guy has a pair of NHT 2.5i that are actually in my price range. I've read all the info on the web and now need your help again. I'm thinking I can get a pretty good pair of speakers and stay within my budget. They are lightly used in great condition, $400.
Are these worth checking out? I can audition them but they aren't just across town, so I don't want to waste my time.
Can someone tell me about the sound. I know these are gorgeous, light maple colored sycamore with cream grills, and that isn't even considering their inherent cool shape.
Should I be turned off by that side firing sub? I never liked that but I really don't know why.
I have an Onkyo 805 receiver 130wts. I also have a def tech sub.
Quick opinions appreciated as they will probably sell fast.
It's an excellent speaker. Certainly worth consideration. Good luck.

Thanks for the quick responses.
Can anyone help me with the sound:
laid back
sound stage
instument placement and separation...very important to me
I haven't heard them in too many years to give you accurate feedback on your latest questions. I do recall them to be quite musical and they offered a wide soundstage when properly set up.
As above, it has been some years since I have owned the 2.9's, the next up the line. I found them to be very accurate and revealing. The source and or amp went a long way in determining the sound. The shape of the speakers lended themselves too having to sit in the sweet spot too hear them at their best. Hope this helps some.
in the past, i had almost all nht speakers from the super zeros, super ones, 1.5's, and the 2.9's. all of them are very cool sounding speakers. nothing laid back about them. i went all totem and the totem are less fatiguing, much more musical. the 2.5's are a decent speaker. IMO, i would save your money and get a pair of used totem rainmaker, mites, or even the model 1's. you can spend all day listening to any of those. with the nht's, you will go find something else to do within an hour.