totem model 1 vs. quad 11L

I currently am enjoying a pair of quad 11L speakers in my 2 channel system.

While I really like the imaging,and soundstage depth with these mini monitors, I want some speakers that have more bass extension.

Because of the location in a small listening room with a hdtv, computer, xbox 360, and playstation 3, there is no room left to put a sub anywhere. (10' x 10' spare bedroom)

If I was to step up to a better quality small monitor like a pair of totem model 1's would they have any better bass than the quads? (open to suggestions)

There is enough room to go with some small tower speakers like totem arro, hawk, or even forest.

I am trying to build a very nice system with used components and here is what I have so far.....

classe dr6 preamp (my one really nice piece)
Will vincent rebuilt st70 with kt66 tubes (35 watts per channel)
Quad 11L mini monitors
sansui tu417 tuner
denon cd/sacd player with burr brown chips
onkyo turntable

I plan on building a very nice digital audio computer very soon for primary music source.

The system is also used for t.v. sound and with the gaming systems.


Kind of wondering if you can bi-amp your Quads? If you can, you might want to try letting the Sansui drive your woofer, and your Vincent drive the tweeter.
Yes the quads are bi-wire capable. I have thought of trying just what you suggested but space for the equipment will not allow for 2 amps......
Spendor 3/5 SE's are a lot cheaper than Totem 1's used, & sound great with good SS electronics. I use mine with a C-J PF-R pre-amp & MF2250 amp in a small room, & they sound great, with plenty of bass given their tiny size. I'm pretty sure they're less finicky than Totem 1's, altho they do like good SS electronics.....
Try quad 12ls phenominal bass for small speaker and then use 11s for rears if u go ht

If you like the sound of your Quad 11L but want more bass I would go with Quad 12L. Also, because of your limited space I would go for the Active version of the Quad 12L. By active, these speakers already have an amp built in to them. Basically all you would have to do, is hook them up through your pre-amp. The Active version of the Quad 12L show up fairly regularly on the Audiogon sale pages.