sub wiring question

i just bought 2 SPL Velodyne sub ,im using them for 2 chanel music , the sub has SPEAKER LEVEL INPUT and RCA LEVEL INPUT , im using A308 cr musicalfidelity power amp , my amp has rca output , so my question is which way should i connect between SPEAKER INPUT or RCA INPUT , could you guys tell me which way the best for my sub , and without
affecting the performance of the amplifier ,Any help would be amazing.
Another excellent option is the nht x2 crossover which is much more flexible than the SMS, although it lacks the EQ.

So, which SPL sub do you have? With or without the auto EQ?


Re: Kal's comment on NHT X-2

I use an X-2 for high pass and an SMS for low pass and EQ

IMHO, this is a "best of all worlds" solution, but I thought maybe more complicated than the OP wanted to hear about.


PS the auto EQ on the SPLR subs leaves something to be desired. The SMS satisfies those desires.
Use the speaker level inputs, it lets the flavor of your main amp come through the subs amps and blend better with your main speakers.
Use the speaker level inputs, it lets the flavor of your main amp come through the subs amps and blend better with your main speakers.

speaker level input has lelf and right so which one should i connect, because im using two subs , do i need to use biwire or just single wire