Morel Octave/Octwin speakers, anyone?

These speakers are gorgeous to behold and to hear, and have received excellent reviews. Does anyone own them (or have past experience) besides me? If so, I'd love to know your thoughts. (And any insights as to how one might lay their hands on a pair of Octwin stands.)
Mikhael at

I own several pairs of Mikhael's speakers and they are outstanding. He now sells his speakers under the Renaissance name.
I don't own them, but have notes from HE200? at the Hilton in NYC where the Octwins were demo'd. I recall in particular a track from Peter Gabriel's "So" being played called "Don't Give Up." It's a well-recorded track with both Gabriel and Kate Bush on vocals. All in the room were very impressed with the sound. Then, near the end of this track is a marvelous bass line, and most of us were quite surprised at the quality of the bass these smallish speakers put out. The sound was very tight, well-defined and dynamic. They can get a bit pricey, though, when you are buying two pairs and the required stands.